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I want to use this space to share all the great things I discover about life through the Gaze of Bicyclist, Parent, Spiritual advisor.. ect. ;)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Your mind, blown

Some vid I shot tonight. ---

Rusko - Jahova

After long deep meditations into the dubstep.
It now shapes my thoughts. I hope I never come out.
any ways after much deliberation, not really it came on pandora and I said HOLy yes, that's it.
This song pretty much explains it all.

Flying Lotus - Inside the Codex: the Art of Cosmogramma

The Widdler - Fractal (Interlude) (DopeLabs Video Edit)

You might want to sit back a bit and watch/listen/...

Holy Big Ups to http://www.dubstep.fm/ for put'n up these.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

nero at a cozy venue


Rev. X -- the Manifesto...The Director's cut Part 2

This guys got it goin' on. skip past the yelling a bit.

Fun with photo

I took the original the other day.

Gingrich is going to send us to space.

30 second commercial if you watch on my blog.
skip commercial if you want to,
or take the time to relax., or pet the cat.
and stay here.

Nothing about Gingrich one way or the other, but frick ya.  He's talking permanent moon base.
I could see that getting a vote or two.   Permanent moon base.  So hmm,   how would that actually benefit me.

well strategically, it's solid.  You know, establish;
Prime moon territory with prime views.  Oh yeah.  It will be like the old days with castles. 

This is a dumb question maybe, but like, what's going on with the moon?
Accessibility would be like traveling to Antarctica in the winter times a hundred,   Ya can't get there unless your, you know,  a scientist or whatever.  That's cool though,
we would start mining and stuff pretty heavily,   plus wouldn't want anyone with a big ol' telescope to see all the cool secret, high tech shi1 we got going on, and all.

plus, it will be like a bus stop for mars in the future.

We will probably invent some kind of inflatable solar batteries,or ships that dock at the moon recharge or whatever on a magnetic powered train, so the moored vessels will keep in pace with the solar rays. Space buses,  yeah space.

He's got my vote.  You know they ain't goin' to let Dr. Paul win.
Gingrich, you come from way back right dude,
and ya say there'll be space ships and zoohic-eez right.  Awesome dude, yeah vote,  where do I vote?

The same fuckin' video as top one.

All three planet visible and anvil talk

Do you know that three planets are visible to the naked eye?!
Venus, jupiter, and mars. !



Yeah mbc news I think,  they actually had a cool thing on it,.  I posted the vid on my fb I think..

Anyways, check this out._______________

  I found this picture, while looking for a good found photo of an anvil?
something low tech,  know what I'm sayin?
I am going to recreate this.  basically.   I've got a couple huge logs.
I need something to be an anvil though so exciting.

I'm like, its christmas for logs and anvil.  Anticipating the anvil I acquire.  There will be one.  part of something or and old anvil not sure.  Going for my first anvil though.   Fuckin' stoked actually.  

at the simplest level;

12 to 20 bricks that could withstand high heat.
the right mixture of stuff. hmm have to check that out more.  research a bit if you will,  The right charcoal/ whatever else, mix used to achieve high enough temperatures to 

this would be a good anvil.    Found fuckin somewhere,   ookay. WeldingWeb <---  --  cool site actually

So You Want To Be A Blacksmith

Sunday, March 25, 2012

more goat.

you most beautiful old hood from a long forgotten memory. You shall live again as a goat.

not done with the nose obviously.  just a rough map.

Friday, March 23, 2012

is this thing on?

Hi Cadets,
How have things been?  I trust, well.

I'm going to post some picts I took of a goat.   Simply so I can repost them on pinterest and keep track of them there. 
"Why goats? you ask.

I have been contracted to create a goat using material found at my local scrap yard.
It's like a dream come true for me.
I'm super excited to nail it.  (weld it, you know...)

love ya!

Actually there is a bit of a story here. 
I had been hoping to get a better look at the goats on site.
Today I went there and this goat walk right up to me.  I pet him for a second,  them had a flash that he could decide to buck my face, (as I was at his level crouching)
Goats can be unpredictable.
When I was a kid my aunt and uncle and a goat that was a mean son-of-a-gun.  Whenever I was there I was in constant fear that he was going to blindside me.

So back to our goat.  The moment of "fear" was noticed by the goat and he walked away.  I'll have to try again next week.
I was at the scrap yard looking for the right parts when it started to downpour.  Unluckily seeming my windows where rolled down.  It turned out to be a good thing because my dog puts his front paws on the window and locked the doors!  
Today I learned to never leave your dog in the car if you are planning on leaving the keys in the car, or if you do leave the windows open,  which you should do anyway.  ;)

My first instinct was to immediately trust the goat, but my memory set off alarm bells.  I have also seen America's funniest videos to many times.